There are several magazines and websites I read and access regularly, details of which are given below.
I like Kindred Spirits as it takes a spiritual view of life. It gives me a regular fix of new materials and exposure to new ideas that I wouldn’t otherwise have considered.
Visit the Kindred Spirit website.
Watkins promote themselves as an esoteric bookshop and they provide a regular magazine that covers both spiritual matters but also other areas not covered anywhere else, such as the occult. Like Kindred Spirits, I love it as a source of new ideas, books and inspiration on areas I would never have thought of.
Visit the Watkins Mind Body Spirit website.
Headspace provides a massive database of mindfulness and meditation resources, from online daily group meditations to individual meditation packages and videos. The advantage of Headspace is that it can provide anything you’re looking for, across more or less any field. It has a free trial period and then subscription packages are available.
Visit the Headspace website
Sounds True
Sounds True is an American-based publisher of books, courses, videos and audio related to spirituality, mindfulness and therapy. Many of the resources on this website have been published by Sounds True and I have taken part in several of their courses. There are also some very useful free resources.
Visit the Sounds True website.
The Shift Network
The aim of The Shift Network is to help shift consciousness to a world where people care more. They run a range of online courses on topics related to spirituality and mindfulness together with some free resources and regular informative emails.
Visit The Shift Network website.
This is a magazine aimed at females but the emphasis is more on how you feel rather than how you look, and covers areas related to psychology in general. I found it invaluable as a source of inspiration and comfort when I first started on the journey. My interests now are more spiritual than psychological but I would recommend it to anyone who is embarking on a journey of self-exploration or trying to find some peace in their life.
Visit the Psychologies website.
Uncommon Knowledge and Hypnosis Downloads
I love this organisation for their good advice on all things psychological. Although their original emphasis is on hypnosis I would view them as more psychological. Their ‘Clear Thinking’ blog is very good. It’s aimed primarily at therapists but is excellent for general understanding across a wide range of psychological issues. I also like their hypnosis scripts and downloads, and their courses. For a free guide to how therapeutic hypnosis works, download ‘How Hypnosis Works’ from this link How Hypnosis Works (save to your hard drive or open in a new window so you can continue to enjoy reading the rest of the site).
Click on the banner below to see more of what Uncommon Knowledge and Hypnosis Downloads can provide for you.
Hay House
Hay House are a publishing company who publish a range of books, courses and videos covering a vast range of topics from the fields of psychology and spirituality. They also have lots of free stuff including downloadable podcasts and meditations plus a regular newsletter.
Visit the Hay House UK website
Individual Experts
Each of the authors and specialists below are well-respected experts in spirituality and its links with psychology. Sign up for their regular newsletters and you will get invites to a lot of the events they do plus some free materials, plus the resources on their websites will be useful too. You will see references to these authors throughout this site.
Eckhart Tolle –
Jack Kornfield –
Tara Brach –