
Here you will find a range of articles on topics of interest to anyone who wants to know more about mindfulness practises, personal support, on a spiritual, psychological or healing journey. Each article also has specific resources which may help with that area.

My Approach to Personal Support – I am a trained mindfulness meditation teacher and can also assist with other therapies such as CBT. You can read more about my approach to providing personal support at this page My Approach to Personal Support

The Differences Between CBT and Spiritual Therapies – many different kinds of therapies are available and it can be difficult to choose. This article explains some broad differences and also shows how mindfulness can assist with them. The Differences Between CBT and Spiritual Therapies

Online, Telephone and Email Support – these have grown during the pandemic but they offer lots of benefits and advantages in their own right and shouldn’t be seen as merely a substitute. Using Online, Telephone and Email Support

Childhood issues – many of our issues as adults arise from our experiences as children. This article explores some of these and shows how mindfulness and therapy can assist with them. Mindfulness and childhood issues

Highly Sensitive Persons and Empaths – some people have very high levels of sensitivity to the feelings, emotions and attitudes around them. This can be a great gift but is also very difficult to cope with until the skills of living in this way are learned. Highly Sensitive Persons and Empaths

Mindfulness for Pain, Discomfort and Weight Management – mindfulness is often used as a general life skill to help us develop a more calm and peaceful attitude, but it can also be used for specific issues, such as pain relief and managing a healthy lifestyle. Mindfulness for Pain, Discomfort and Weight Management

Gifted Adults – this refers to adults who have above-average skills in multiple areas, but especially emotional intelligence and logical reasoning abilities, rather than just being ‘clever’. Whilst this might sound appealing, in reality it creates lots of issues that often need personal support to resolve. Mindfulness can help with that as you can read more about in Gifted Adults